Join Claire Moodie, CEO at North Devon Plastic Free to find out about their latest campaigns and what you can do to help go plastic free.
About the Presenter:
Claire Moodie is the Chief Exec Officer for North Devon Plastic Free. She is an avid surfer, lover of the marine environment and all things outdoors, which makes her passionate about the need to protect and preserve this fragile resource. Having worked on many conservation projects around the world including working as a Surfers Against Sewage representative for the last 5 years means she has not only come face to face with some of the worlds most majestic creatures and witnessed the issues they face but has also seen what happens when people come together to tackle an issue to create positive change within their communities. She has been instrumental in gaining positive local support for North Devon Plastic Free campaigns.
For more information or to book visit the Braunton Countryside Centre website