
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628

Ilfracombe Community Environment Fair

Event Date: 12th February 2023, 11:00 – 15:00

Event Category: Show/Festival/Event

Location: Landmark Theatre Ilfracombe

Cost: Free

Join us for the First Ilfracombe Community Environment Fair

The North Devon Coast AONB’S Finding Nature’s Footprints project have teamed up with Ilfracombe Museum to bring together a celebration of Environmental Community Action on the North Devon High Coast.

This interactive family event is an opportunity to learn more about community action and how you can get involved.

We have brought together a wide range of organisations all doing their part for positive environmental change. Find out more about the exciting initiatives and events coming in Ilfracombe and it’s surrounding area in 2023 and beyond.

Featuring: Friends of Hillsborough, Cairn Conservation Carers, Earth Repair Shop, Capstone Whale Watch, Coastwise, Plastic Free North Devon, North Devon Biosphere, Devon Wildlife Trust and North Devon National Trust. Watch this space for updates!

This is a chance to:

-Rewild your space: Get a Free Tree!
-Get hands on and discover nature
-Be the positive change
-Meet your community

Wildlife walks and interactive activities provided

If you would like more information email joe.newberry@devon.gov.uk 

