
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628


Finding Nature’s Footprints is providing opportunities to connect people and communities with the nature of the of the North Devon Coast National Landscape. The project and partners are working closely with schools, community groups, youth groups and individuals to engage and enthuse people in our local wildlife.   

National Landscape Environment Group

Finding Nature’s Footprints coordinates the National Landscape Environment Group for young people aged 15-25 who are interested in gaining experience and confidence in the environmental sector. 

The Environment Group meets regularly to learn more about local wildlife and habitats, contribute to citizen science and gain practical skills through volunteering. This is a great experience for those interested in a career in the natural environment or just keen to get involved in the local area. If you want to find out more get in touch joe.newberry@devon.gov.uk

Sunrise Diversity

​Sunrise is a grassroots charity promoting equality, diversity and social inclusion in rural communities in Northern Devon. Working with Sunrise Diversity,  Finding Nature’s Footprints is providing opportunities for diverse communities to connect with the natural world. ​

Red Herring Productions

Red Herring is a theatre company based in Bideford, North Devon who specialise in outdoor, interactive performance that blurs the edges between the performance and the audience.​

Red Herring Productions have been working with East the Water Year 6 pupils, who have created a wonderful selection of photographs, poems and sound recordings inspired by the beautiful Northam Burrows.

Click here to discover more 

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Environment Group

This group is for 15-25 year olds who have an interest in the natural environment that want to gain experience and knowledge whilst meeting other like-minded young people and local environmental organisations. Here are some of of the stuff we’ve got up to this year!

Sunrise Diversity

Sunrise Diversity are a dynamic grassroots community organisation who provide activities, training, services & events for all living in Northern Devon, including those of diverse identities such as minority ethnic groups, disabled people and the LGBTQ+ community.

Red Herring Productions

Red Herring Productions have been working with the Finding Nature’s Footprints project to run school projects over two years, to foster curiosity about nature and to provoke a sense of stewardship of their local habitats.