Finding Nature’s Footprints is supporting communities to run their own wildlife surveying and monitoring projects in their local area by connecting people, providing training and the necessary resourcesa and survey equipment. The project will draw on the most effective citizen science projects to ensure that the data collected goes to the right place and help inform decisions. For example, the National Plant Monitoring Scheme, National Dormouse Footprint Tunnel Survey, National Moth Recording Scheme and National Reptile Survey to name a few. It is important that Finding Nature’s Footprints works with the interests of local communities so if you are interested in monitoring a particular aspect of wildlife please get in touch
Devon Biodiversity Records Centre
Devon Biodiversity Records Centre is part of a national network of ‘not for profit’ Local Environmental Records Centres in the UK. They collect, manage and make available over 6.8 million validated and verified wildlife records which are updated by 2,000-5,000 records a month. They also collect and manage data on wildlife habitats and geological sites, and lead on the County Wildlife Sites program for the county. They will play a key role within our survey aim of the project, as we collect data within local areas, we will pass this information onto them to contribute to national records.
In June 2023 the projects first BioBlitz took place with the rangers on Northam Burrows Country park. Press about the 24+hour survey can be seen here. organised public events including night and daytime rock pooling, mud dipping, freshwater invertebrate sampling, moth and small mammal trapping. The event exceeded all expectations with a total of 269 different species recorded, of which 189 were new records to Northam Burrows. Overall, this included 64 different moth species, 20 species of birds and 103 species of different plants.
For the 2024 BioBlitz we are heading to Ilfracombe! For more information about this visit our BioBlitz page

Camera Traps
We have been working with communities and landowners to survey local wildlife. Camera traps have been great for taking a look at what is about when people are not. Through the project we have a collection of camera available so if you know a good spot get in touch. We can show you how they work and some things to consider when camera trapping as well.
Find out more
iNaturalist is a fantastic way for everyone to learn more about their local wildlife, connect with other nature enthusiasts and contribute to our understanding of biodiversity.
Hartland Nature Society
In Hartland there is a recently established nature group called Hartland Nature Society. They have successfully gathered interested individuals within the parish who have come together to help record and monitor the wildlife they have in their area.
Ilfracombe Wildlife
Find out about the series of surveys and workshops we are running in around Ilfracombe!
The Coast
North Devon has an amazing rocky shore where you can find an array of marine life nestled under rocks and amongst the seaweed.