
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628

Training & Volunteering

The Finding Nature’s Footprints project and our partners are working to train people in species identification, wildlife monitoring, and nature recovery techniques across the North Devon Coast National Landscape. The project’s events will be posted on the main National Landscape events page.

Volunteering Opportunities in North Devon:

OrganizationContactMeeting PlaceTime
Home Farm Marsh, YellandSteve Skirth, 07530 003076, WebsiteFremington QuayWednesday 9am
or Thursdays
Braunton Countryside Centre01271 817171,
Sandy Lane Carpark – Braunton Burrows,
Swanpool Marsh, or at the Centre
Events throughout year
Friends of Hillsborough, IlfracombeRob Schick, bobschick319@gmail.com, “Friends Of Hillsborough – Ilfracombe” Facebook Larkstone Carpark, by golf kiosk3rd Wednesday of each month, 10am
Yeo Valley01271 388326, parks@northdevon.gov.uk,
Friends of Yeo Valley Facebook
Entrance to reserve Silverwood Heights2nd  Sunday of each month, 9am
Cairn Conservation CarersLey Holloway, leyholloway@gmail.com
“Cairn Conservation Carers” Facebook
The Roundhouse, IlfracombeSundays 9am
National Trustnorthdevon@nationaltrust.org.uk, Fraiser Goodfellow,fraser.goodfellow1@nationaltrust.org.uk, WebsiteAcross North DevonEvents throughout year
Devon Wildlife Trust01392 279244, volunteering@devonwildlifetrust.org,
Across North Devon, Taw & Torridge DistrictEvents throughout year, weekdays
Devon Environment FoundationAmanda Keetley +44 7795 514 968,
amanda@devonenvironment.org, Website
Across DevonEvents throughout year
Little Green Town – Community Gardening in BidefordLizz Dobinson lizz@naturescurators.co.uk, WebsiteSeveral areas in BidefordSundays, Tuesdays
Ilfracombe U3A Natural World Groupinfo@ilfracombecoastu3a.co.uk
“Ilfracombe Coast U3A” Facebook
& Combe Martin
Events throughout year
Hartland Nature Society“Hartland’s Nature” Facebook Across Hartland, e.g., Quay, Vale woodland, on National Trust landEvents throughout year
Northam Burrows Country ParkMichael Day, northam.burrows@torridge.gov.uk, 01237479708, WebsiteNortham Burrows CentreEvents throughout year
Finding Nature’s FootprintsJamie Owen – Project Assistant
jamie.owen@devon.gov.uk, Home Page
Across North Devon’s CoastEvents throughout year

Northam Burrows Country Park

​Northam Burrows Country Park lies at the western edge of the Taw Torridge Estuary. 253 hectares of grassy coastal plain, a large salt marsh, sand dunes, natural grasslands, this Site of Significant Scientific Interest (SSSI) is a beautiful area that is very important for nature. ​As a partner on the project, we work alongside Northam Burrows and their rangers to train volunteers and survey wildlife. Our most recent activities there have been skylark surveys, owl pellet dissection, harvest mouse nest searches, and inter-tidal rock-pooling.

National Trust

The National Trust are carrying out an 8-year project to create species-rich grassland habitat across 70 miles of the North Devon countryside, between Torridge and West Exmoor. Another National Trust project aims to restore significant areas of wetland habitat across North Devon, often by removing man-made drainage and returning channelised rivers to their natural form. We also collaborate with The National Trust to organise training and surveying opportunities across their land.​

North Devon Grasslands Project – Click here 

The North Devon River-lands Project – Click here 

North Devon Voluntary Service

The North Devon Voluntary Services is an independent charity based in Barnstaple that provides support and specialist advice to voluntary organisations and social enterprises in the local area. Their mission is to strengthen and champion the work of local organizations by representing, developing and supporting voluntary and community action. ​

They host the Devon Connect website, which is Devon’s online community hub. We will be posting all of our future events here so be sure to check it regularly for updates and sign-up to receive notification or email reminders.

Wild About Devon

To find even more action projects from all across Devon, head to the Devon Local Nature Partnership’s platform called Wild About Devon and view their Community Action Group Map!

Find out more

Upcoming Events

Take a look at our Eventbrite page to find out about upcoming workshops and surveys!