
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628

£850,000 to improve the natural beauty of the AONB

Proposed Removal of Overhead Power Lines in Mortehoe and Woolacombe

The North Devon Coast AONB Partnership and Western Power Distribution are about to embark on an ambitious and exciting landscape project enhancement project in the Mortehoe and Woolacombe area, that will take place in the coming months.

Up to £860,000 of Exchequer funding has been secured to enable the removal of some 5 km of unsightly overhead powerlines in an area of undeveloped coast between the two settlements on land owned largely by the National Trust. The works are being funded through a regulatory backed initiative to enhance landscapes in recognised Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and National Parks by removing electrical infrastructure like overhead lines. 

Western Power Distribution has worked closely with steering groups involving representatives from various National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Associations in the South West to identify suitable sites for consideration.

The undergrounding work is expected to commence at the end of June and will continue until the middle of December with a view to removal all overhead powerlines in the Black Cloud Hill, Combesgate Valley and Twitchen area in the Spring of 2018.
