Objective: To conserve and enhance the natural beauty and special landscapes of the AONB
The exceptional landscape and seascape of the North Devon coast is the main reason why it was designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in 1960 and defined as Heritage Coast in 1990 for Hartland and 1992 for North Devon. To assist in the management of this valuable landscape several Landscape Character Assessments have been undertaken at different levels and scales which can be viewed as maps on the DCC Environment Viewer landscape section at https://new.devon.gov.uk/environment/environmental-maps. These Assessments provide an objective appraisal of what special features and qualities make the landscape valuable and worthy of conservation. This is important to help understand the potential impact of onshore and offshore development and to inform planning decisions. These Assessments look at the pressures and forces for change acting on the landscape and others provide a strategy of how to protect, manage and plan the area to keep it special
Landscape and Seascape indicators – State of the AONB 2014 – 2018
North Devon Landscape Pioneer https://www.northdevonbiosphere.org.uk/landscape-pioneer.html
Landscape Character Assessment

The process of Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) describes the characteristic patterns and features of our countryside and explains how an area has developed over time. The methodology undertaken for the LCA undertaken in Devon has comprised of 3 individual studies which broadly identify areas with similar character which are Land Description Units, Landscape Character Types and finally Landscape Character Areas
Landscape Description Units (LDU) – For a full size North Devon Map click here and Torridge here
LDU 088 LDU 386 LDU 526 LDU 852
LDU 358 LDU 387 LDU 532 LDU 853
LDU 360 LDU 397 LDU 576 LDU 895
LDU 382 LDU 398 LDU 578 LDU 896
LDU 383 LDU 399 LDU 579 LDU 897
Landscape Character Types in North Devon and Torridge can be seen here and Landscape Character Areas here
Fixed Post Photograph
By taking photographs from exactly the same place over many years, our ongoing Fixed Post Photography Project is providing a long-term measure of landscape change.