
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628

Our Work

Our 20 Year Vision: “The North Devon Coast National Landscape will remain as one of England’s finest landscapes and seascapes, protected, inspiring and valued by all. Its natural and cultural heritage will sustain those who live in, work in or visit the area. It will be valued by residents and visitors alike who will have increased understanding of what makes the area unique and will be addressing the challenges of keeping it special to secure its long term future.”

The work of the team reflects the priorities in the Management Plan and new opportunities arising to deliver the vision and AONB purpose. Ongoing areas of work are planning advice to the local planning authorities, promotion and delivery of our small grants scheme and managing externally funded projects to deliver Management Plan priorities.

Get Involved

The National Landscape is a living and working coastal landscape with vibrant communities, dependent on local people and visitors alike to sustain it. The community has opportunities to participate in the National Landscape through the Partnership (community and sector representatives), volunteering, consultation processes and benefiting from our grants under the Sustainable Development Fund. Contact the team for current opportunities.


Many of the National Landscape projects provide opportunities and information to encourage local people and visitors to learn more about the area. This may be through guided walks, talks, activities (e.g. rock pool rambles, beach cleans) or downloadable information. The aim is to involve people so they can enjoy, understand and take action to conserve the National Landscape. Check out our events and resources pages to see what is available now.
